Wednesday 26th February 2025: Games titles added for
XMAS 1983
and XMAS 1984.
Sunday 23rd February 2025: Today we present the last
of Mike Swann's games information booklets in
Ephemera/Other Documents -
for JSF at Portorož 1980. There are a few more items to come, but in the
meantime a huge thank you to Mike for preserving these items for many
years and for sharing them with us and being happy to let us share them
with you. (Just added... seven of those last items - a document folder and
headed notepaper that were given to referee Arthur Ellis at
JSF 1974 at
Barga, Italy and a
BBC staff itinerary, an
invitation to lunch, and a French language teams itinerary
- all from the same event -
an event brochure from JSF at
Antwerpen in 1977 and a
document folder
produced by the town of Plaffeien from JSF at Gent 1982.)
Saturday 22nd February 2025: The final 1977 document
that JSFnetGB has access to thanks to the wonderful Mike Swann - a games
information booklet from the Antwerpen JSF - has been added this morning
Ephemera/Other Documents. Incidentally, in the case of
all of these documents that include illustrative cartoons of the games
played, we have added those illustrations to the appropriate episode
entries in the Series Guide.
Friday 21st February 2025: It's onwards to 1977 from
today, with the following added to
Ephemera/Other Documents: a
French language games information booklet from JSF at Marina di Carrara
and a retrospective 1977 Album by Andre Lange, distributed to 60 of those
involved in JSF's production at that year's International Final.
Thursday 20th February 2025: Visit
Ephemera/Other Documents to find today's addition - a
games information booklet from JSF at Caslano Malcantone in 1976.
Wednesday 19th February 2025: Another day, more rare
documents! Check out
Ephemera/Other Documents where you'll find
Games Information documents concerning the following 1976 programmes: It's
A Championship Knockout, JSF at Milano and Christmas at Cortina d'Ampezzo have been
newly added.
Tuesday 18th February 2025: After a bit of a
we again launch into
Ephemera/Other Documents updates with further documents
kindly shared by former JSF referee Mike Swann. Today, you'll find
documents pertaining to the following 1975 programmes: JSF at Nancy (Games
Information) and JSF at Southport (Games Cartoons 1-7 / Rules) have been
newly added.
Friday 10th January 2025: A subtle update today,
again in
Ephemera/Other Documents where the existing games description
booklet for JSF 1976 at Leeds has been upgraded to include pages that were
previously missing - this combined document appears thanks to BBC producer
Geoff Wilson and referee Mike Swann.
Thursday 9th January 2025: Take a look at
Ephemera/Other Documents to see a games description
booklet for
JSF 1972 at Bern. We've added
the games cartoons from this document
to the 1972 Series Guide page linked above and the games at this heat have
now been given their official titles.
Wednesday 8th January 2025: Another rare JSF
document from Mike Swann's collection today. Check out
Ephemera/Other Documents to see a games description
booklet for JSF
1973 at Senigallia. The games cartoons have also been added
to the Series Guide page linked above and the games at this heat have now
been given their official titles, gleaned from this document. Neil and I
can't express our thanks enough to Mike Swann, who has been so kind to us
and JSFnetGB - and in turn our visitors who are now getting to see some
very rare items that he has kept since his days refereeing on It's A
Knockout and Jeux Sans Frontières. Thank you, Mike. You are an
absolute star!
Tuesday 7th January 2025: Check out
Ephemera/Other Documents once again as we delve deeper
still into Mike Swann's archive of paperwork. Today we've added games
information booklets from the JSF 1974 International Final at Leiden and
the JSF 1976 heat at Groningen. The games cartoons from these documents
have been added to the
JSF 1974 and
JSF 1976
Series Guide pages.
Monday 6th January 2025: The daily updates continue
with a very rare tie-in Dutch newspaper for the JSF International Heat at
Doetinchem, games descriptions for the 1975 JSF International Final at
Ieper and games cartoons from JSF 1976 at Liège all having been added to
Ephemera/Other Documents - thanks to the generosity of
series referee Mike Swann.
Sunday 5th January 2025: Thanks to Mike Swann and
Neil Storer, I've been able to scan rare documents from JSF 1975 at
Knokke, Belgium and Riccione, Italy - check out
Ephemera ('Other Ephemera') for the
games information booklets for these two international heats. In the same
section, you will also find a newspaper supplement from JSF 1973 at
Bristol, Great Britain. Please note that this document is a broadsheet
publication and is presented at full size.
Saturday 4th January 2025: Thanks to David Laich
Ruiz, who has provided details of last night's
Grand Prix
Christmas Final. I've also been able to add final scores
for IAK
Australia 1987 Heats 8 and 9.
Friday 3rd January 2025: Delving deeper into
Mike Swann's paperwork collection, I've today been able to add team names
for the Doetinchem team (JSF
1977 Heat 7) and also PDFs of the souvenir programme and
games info booklet to
Ephemera. Likewise, a PDF detailing Liechtenstein team
members (JSF 1976
Heat 7), and these names have also been added to the respective heat. Thanks Mike!
Thursday 2nd January 2025: Thanks once again to
Mike Swann, team names have been added for the Macau and Yugoslav teams
participating in
XMAS 1990. Also added today, a series of documents from JSF
at Mannheim 1975 and also a BBC Press Release from 1976 - see
Ephemera (Other Documents). Finally, official game titles
and game illustrations added for
JSF 1973 at Bristol.
Wednesday 1st January 2025: Happy New Year from
JSFnetGB! Our 2025 begins with the first part of a major update that comes
thanks to the generosity of JSF referee Mike Swann, who has shared his
archive with us and visitors to the site. To begin with it's the
Collector's Items
section that has been updated, with more than thirtty new items added to
and 1990.
Tuesday 31st December 2024: The second Semi-Final
Grand Prix
Christmas 2024 has been transmitted in Spain and we have
the details, courtest of David Laich Ruiz.
Sunday 29th December 2024: It's A Christmas
Knockout is back! Well, it is in Spain, where a three-part festive
special is currently being aired. Check out
Grand Prix
Christmas 2024. With thanks to David Laich Ruiz.
Monday 9th December 2024: Neil has written host
town and venue entries for the 1973 Cup
Final IAK.
Saturday 7th December 2024: A small but important
update today from Neil Storer who has been able to identify the venue for
the 1973 Cup
Final IAK.
Saturday 23rd November 2024: A rather unfortunate
Additional Information note has been added today to
Grand Prix 2023
- Semi-Final 1 concerning an infringement relating to
product placement and sponsorship. Thanks to David Laich Ruiz for the
Wednesday 9th October 2024: Running scores and team
members added today for
Australia 1987 Round 2 Heat 2.
Monday 9th September 2024: The 2024 series of Grand
Prix drew to a close on Friday night in Spain. Details of the final have
been added tonight, completing our coverage of
Grand Prix 2024.
Many thanks to David Laich Ruiz for all his help with this summer's
Tuesday 3rd September 2024: Details of the second
semi-final of
Grand Prix 2024
have now been added
with thanks to David Laich Ruiz. The final is being broadcast in Spain
this Friday night.
Sunday 1st September 2024: As promised, details
have been added today for the first semi-final of
Grand Prix 2024,
with thanks to David Laich Ruiz.
Thursday 29th August 2024: A couple of days later
than usual David Laich Ruiz and I have added details about the final heat
Grand Prix 2024,
which aired in Spain on Monday night. The first semi-final is being shown
tomorrow, so expect an update about that on Sunday. Also today, a final
scoreboard and Additional Information added to the
Australia 1987 Grand Final.
Wednesday 21st August 2024: We at JSFnetGB have a
lot of affection for the Australian It's A Knockout series from the
mid-80s, so it's always a delight when another episode surfaces on
YouTube, which is exactly what happened this week. It is an edition for
which we previous had only the one confirmed team and the games titles,
but now we can present the full result, running scores and of course the
teams involved!
IAK Australia 1985 Round 2 Show 15.
Thanks to David Laich Ruiz for alerting me to the YouTube upload.
Tuesday 20th August 2024: Our weekly updates to
Grand Prix 2024
continue today with Heat 6, which aired last night in Spain. With thanks
to David Laich Ruiz.
Monday 19th August 2024: A small but potentially
nostalgic update today to add the BBC's caption card for It's A
Knockout to Series
Guide 1981.
Wednesday 14th August 2024: Details of this
Monday's fifth heat of
Grand Prix 2024 has been added to the
site today, with thanks to David Laich Ruiz.
Tuesday 13th August 2024:
Australia 1986 updated today to add running scores and team
members to Round 2 Heat 11.
Friday 9th August 2024: Further work today on the
Australia 1987 page and running scores and team members
added for
IAK Australia 1986 Semi-Final 2.
Thursday 8th August 2024: Further updates to
Australia 1987 to provide running scores for the vast
majority of programmes and also to
Celebrity IAK Australia 1986, which has benefitted from
fresh information about the first and fourth programmes.
Wednesday 7th August 2024:
Grand Prix 2024 had been
updated with information about the latest tranmission (Heat 4). Thanks to
David Laich Ruiz. Also today, an update to
Australia 1987, particularly to Round 1 Heat 7, a recording
of which has allowed me to fill in the gaps in the results for the
previous six heats.
Monday 5th August 2024: The Promotional Items
section is no more. Say it isn't so! Well, actually, it has just been
Collector's Items because I suddenly
realised that a great many of the curios shown are not promotional in
nature (such as officials and crew identification badges, trophies,
medals, gifts from one team to another, etc). There are a slew of new
items added too, all with thanks to Geoff Wilson, in
Collector's Items 1970 (BBCtv commemorative tie and scarf),
1972 (Luton v. Watford pendant / JSF
official's patch badge / Official's Lanyardes for Spa, Passariano, Nice
and Delft),
1973 (Official's Lanyardes for Senigallia,
Bellinzona, Chartres, Arnhem and Christmas
at Cortina d'Ampezzo / coin for Senigallia),
1975 (Official's Lanyard for Southport),
1976 (Geel stained glass coat of arms / Official's Lanyardes for Leeds and Blackpool),
1977 (Official's Lanyard for Doetinchem),
1979 (Official's Lanyard for
1980 (official's stopwatch / JSF
official's patch badge / commemorative metal plaque, Namur) and
1987 (dinner menu and Geoff's ID pass for The Grand
Knockout Tournament).
Sunday 4th August 2024: Again thanks to the
kindness of Geoff Wilson, we are able to share a PDF of the souvenir
programme from the IAK heat at Harlow in 1976 - see
Ephemera. This
heat has also received a preliminary Games in Detail update today (IAK
Friday 2nd August 2024: A few days later than
Grand Prix 2024
has been updated with details of the third and latest programme of the new
Grand Prix series. Thanks to David Laich Ruiz as always!
Thursday 1st August 2024: A nice update to
IAK Cup Final
1972 today, with a Games in Detail section added to
describe the games played. As the games were not titled in the souvenir
programme, I have taken the opportunity to name them. And... while on the
subject of the souvenir programme, you can find a PDF of this document
under 'It's A Knockout Specials' as well as a newly uploaded PDF of the
Luton 1972 programme on our
Ephemera page. Many thanks to Geoff
Wilson for his help regarding this update.
Wednesday 31st July 2024: A small delay on my part
regarding Grand Prix Heat 3 as I have been busy scanning documents kindly
donated by Geoff Wilson. Check out the
Ephemera page where you can download
the following new items: IAK 1972 Exeter (Camera Script), JSF 1975
Southport (Props list), JSF 1976 Leeds (Camera Script, Games Descriptions,
Props list, Timetable and Venue Film Outline) and Blackpool (Camera
Script and Timetable), The Grand Knockout Tournament 1987 (Dialogue Script and Games
Descriptions) and an interesting curio, a document produced by the
Knockout Production Office in 1973 concerning JSF results going back to
1965. Many thanks to Geoff and Neil Storer.
Wednesday 24th July 2024: A week later than
scheduled, the second heat of
Grand Prix 2024
was transmitted on Monday by TVE in Spain. David Laich Ruiz has supplied
the details!
Friday 19th July 2024: A new Additional Information
note added for IAK
1969 Heat 1 concerning a BBC trailer for the 1969 series.
Tuesday 16th July 2024: News has come through that
last night's episode of
Grand Prix 2024
was postponed unexpectedly when an unscheduled programme celebrating the
Spanish victory in UEFA Euro 2024 pre-empted it. This means that the
Grand Prix schedule will now run one week late for the rest of the
Tuesday 9th July 2024: Some positive news to the
effect that a new series of Grand Prix launched in Spain last night.
Thanks to the speed and diligence of David Laich Ruiz, we can present
details about that first programme less than 24 hours later. See
2024 Introduction
Grand Prix 2024.
Wednesday 5th June 2024: A nice update today albeit
a small one. Take a look at
Collectables 1972 to see the
promotional poster for JSF at Sheffield. With many thanks to Geoff Wilson
and Neil Storer for supplying the item for scanning and restoration.
Sunday 2nd June 2024: I've been able to add new
information to JSF
1971, specifically to the International Final at Essen,
following my purchase of a 1978 magazine which included details about the
Friday 31st May 2024: Marko Vostan has researched
the results of
Bellezze sulla Neve 1992 and filled
in the gaps that we had previously, Excellent work, Marko. Thank you.
Friday 24th May 2024: Neil has submitted some
updates to
IAK 1970
(Heat 6, Ramsgate once more) as well as adding Visiting Towns information
to JSF 1967.
Meanwhile, work continues on
Australia 1986 with additions to Semi-Final 1, Round 2 Heats
5, 6 and 9 and Round 3 Heat 9.
Thursday 23rd May 2024: Today Neil has been able to
add information to the Games in Detail section of
IAK 1970
(Heat 6, Ramsgate). Also today,
Australia 1986 has been updated to add running scores, team
names, scoreboard and the full result. Thanks to David Alain Laich Ruiz
for spotting this heat on YouTube. Round 3 Heats 1-4 of the 1986 series have
also been updated.
Wednesday 22nd May 2024: I've been able to add an
interesting Comment to
JSF 1967 Heat 6 (Blackpool) for Game
10, with many thanks to Geoff Wilson.
Tuesday 21st May 2024: Many thanks to Alys Hayes
for supplying photographs of Southsea and the IAK venue there (IAK
1974 Heat 6 and
IAK 1975 Heat
Monday 18th March 2024: Many thanks to Gary Houghton
for granting permission to use his photos of Procida (JSF
1966 Heat 9).
Sunday 17th March 2024: Official game titles added
to IAK 1977
Heat 7 (Crawley).
Tuesday 5th March 2024: Sticking to the IAK Australia
theme on which I ended yesterday's update, today I've added full results
and games titles to
IAK Australia 2011.
Monday 4th March 2024: Today we round off Marko's
researches with the full results for
al Bagno 1993. I'm also grateful to David Laich Ruiz for
supplying results and information about Heat 5 of
Grand Prix 1995. Terrific work from both Mark and David.
Finally, I've also added new information and results to
Australia 1985 with thanks to Geoff Wilson for making this
Sunday 3rd March 2024: Full results and audience
figures now added to
Bellezze al Bagno 1991,
Bellezze al Bagno 1992 and
Bellezze sulla Neve 1991 thanks to the diligent research of Marko
Tuesday 27th February 2024: Something added to a
rarely updated section today -
Knockout TV. We've found a
regional ITV
programme from 1995 which included a ten-minute feature
about JSF (see NWA).
Friday 23rd February 2024: Between us, Neil and I
have done a little tweaking to
IAK 1967, particularly with reference
to the Brighton heat.
Thursday 22nd February 2024: Eagle-eyed visitors may
have noticed that several venue photos have been added over the last few
days. These are all from sources which we or friends of JSFnetGB hold the
copyright. If you can help by supplying photographs of venues or events -
and these photographs were taken by you yourself - please send them in and
we've do our best to add them to the site. Thank you.
Also today, a peek at an off-air recording of the
IAK 1981
Dartmouth heat has led me to add a new Additional Information note
concerning the BBC continuity announcement that led into it.
Sunday 18th February 2024: Further fabulous updates
from Neil today, this time to
IAK 1975.
Friday 16th February 2024: The second stop on our
programme of 1975 updates is
CUP FINAL 1975 - thanks to Neil for
all the hard work.
Thursday 8th February 2024: Our 1975 updates begin
today with a celebrity-packed update - yes, Neil Storer has tried to make
sense of the first of those anarchic spin-offs featuring teams drawn from
the worlds of television, film, sport and entertainment -
Celebrity IAK
Friday 26th January 2024: A series of small but
important updates to
IAK 1973 today, courtesy of Neil.
Sunday 21st January 2024: Thanks are due to Neil
today as he has sent a further update regarding
IAK 1971
Heat 2 at Barrow-in-Furness, which now includes a Games in Detail section.
Not bad for a programme that no longer exists!
Sunday 14th January 2024: Happy New Year to all
visitors and contributors to JSFnetGB. Sadly, 2023 ended in the worst
possible fashion when we learned that Matt Dale had passed away
unexpectedly on Christmas Day. Matt's name might not be familiar to
visitors but Matt worked behind the scenes for more than a decade,
arranging our webspace and acting as technical support - in addition to
being a great friend. His death has been a shock to the system, not least
because he was only in his forties, and such a lovely chap. Rest in peace,
pal. You'll be missed.
Our first update of 2024 concerns a
1971 It's A Knockout,
namely the second heat, held at Barrow-in-Furness. Although the BBC
recording no longer survives, 8mm behind the scenes footage was filmed at
the event and is now available on YouTube. This has permitted Neil Storer
to glean some fresh information about the programme. A couple of new items
from this programme have also been added to
Saturday 23rd December 2023: It's always nice to be
able to add a new page about a previously unknown Knockout-style
programme, and that's what I'm able to do today:
GOES 1983. This documents the unscreened pilot for the
Anything Goes series of 1984 and 1985. We learned of this programme
only when we found recordings of it in an archive that JSFnetGB is
currently digitising for the owner. Lovely stuff!
Friday 22nd December 2023: A Christmas treat from
Neil and myself! Neil has made a special update to
XMAS 1974,
which rounds off that year of updates at JSFnetGB. As a bonus, I've added
and amended the page about
XMAS 1982 (Quartet/Trio) after an
illuminating conversation with the splendid Geoffrey Wilson, former
It's A Knockout producer. We hope to be able to further update this
page soon. Finally, as a Christmas gift for all visitors, we're
reinstating our PDFs, now relaunched as
Ephemera (comprising Souvenir
Programmes and other digitised paper collectibles), which can be found in the left
column under 'Fil Rouge'. Includes newly added Souvenir Programme for IAK
1975 Heat 2 from Swansea! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from
Thursday 21st December 2023:
JSF 1974 Heat 7 and the International
Final have now been updated
to incorporate Neil's new information, completing the current updates to
that page. We've also been able to add full team details for
IAK 1975
Heat 2 (Caerleon / Caerphilly / Swansea), with the Swansea team names also
added to JSF 1975
Heat 2 / International Final.
Thursday 7th December 2023:
JSF 1974 Heats 5 and 6 have now been updated
to incorporate Neil's new information.
Wednesday 6th December 2023:
JSF 1974 Heat 4 has now been updated
courtesy of Neil's fabulous research.
Monday 27th November 2023: Apologies for the lack
of updates and the unexpected move for the site which was sadly
unavoidable. As some regular visitors know, I received a copyright
licensing demand for an image used on this website. After some
investigation, I decided that I would have to pay for this retrospective
licence, even though the company concerned conveniently overlooked the
non-profit making nature of JSFnetGB and ended up benefitting from a naive
misuse of a single image to the tune of £440. I am grateful to the
regulars who chipped in and helped ensure that JSFnetGB could continue at
a new address (a fresh start was vital to ensure that a similar claim did
not follow). The site is now pretty much image-free, which of course is a
huge shame. The alternative though was for the site to be taken down
entirely - as was the solution arrived at for three of my other sites. All
the time, effort and love that I and others have put into this and those
sites and it's all ruined by corporate moneygrabbers who could have
instead simply issued a 'cease and desist' notice which I would have
speedily acted upon. Enough said.
The first major update at JSFnetGB since the move is to
update IAK 1974,
1974 and
JSF 1974, all of which have
benefitted from Neil Storer's fabulous researches. For the moment, the JSF
updates are limited to Heats 1-3, though more will follow very soon.
Thursday 28th September 2023: Better late than
never, Grand
Prix 2023 has finally been updated, several weeks late, to
include details of the second Semi-Final and the Final, which were
screened on Spanish television on and 28th August and 4th September
respectively. The lateness of this update should not reflect on the
sterling efforts of David Laich Ruiz, who delivered the information for
adding to JSFnetGB exceptionally promptly. The fault is entirely mine. The
news is good regarding Grand Prix, which pleasingly has already
been greenlit for a summer 2024 return.
Wednesday 27th September 2023: Knockout TV has been
updated for the first time since 2018 today, to add information about
It's A Royal
Knockout: The Untold Story, which was broadcast on
Channel 5 last weekend and is available to view on My5.
Tuesday 12th September 2023: Due to personal
circumstances, the coverage of the
2023 series
of Grand Prix del Verano has fallen behind schedule, for
which I apologise, particularly to David Laich Ruiz, who has diligently
provided the information the day after each of the semi-finals and final
transmissions. The first semi-final has been processed today and the other
information should be added shortly.
Wednesday 16th August 2023: Monday's fourth heat of
2023 series
of Grand Prix del Verano has been added today, with copious
thanks to David Laich Ruiz. David has also supplied some further general
information about the series and this has been added to the
Series Guide 2023
Monday 14th August 2023: Several days later than
intended, and through no fault of David Laich Ruiz who delivered the
information last Tuesday, our coverage of the
2023 series
of Grand Prix del Verano continues today with details of the
third heat. I've also added a
1968 Jeux Sans Frontières press item.
Thursday 3rd August 2023: The second part of our
update regarding the Dunbar team has been added tonight, comprising an
Associated Events note, a Comment on Game 1 - 'The Spanish Bull' - and
four photographs - please see JSF 1969 Heat 4 at Martigny. Our thanks to
Dunbar History
once again.
Tuesday 1st August 2023: Our coverage of the new,
2023 series
of Grand Prix del Verano continues today with information
about the second heat which was transmitted in Spain last night. Thanks to
David Laich Ruiz for the details!
Friday 28th July 2023: Neil Storer has very kindly
supplied several promotional items for our
Collectables section.
Specifically, they are: a
promotional beermat from Radevormwald 1970,
the same
for Lingen an der Ems 1971,
another for
Leck 1971, an
Italian car sticker from Lincoln 1978,
tickets for It's A Knockout 1979 at Castletown, a
competitors' plaque from Xmas 1984 at Blackpool, and a
Gödöllő team
shirt from Loèche-les-Bains 1993. I've also found a nice
photo of British presenter David Vine which I've added to
IAK 1971
Heat 5 - and as it depicts him announcing the final score, I have been
able to add a Scoreboard for this event (something of a rarity for
programmes that have been wiped!). Also, thanks to
Dunbar History, I've been able to add a
poster for the
Dunbar 1969 event, plus information
including new Media Attention and Additional Information notes, and three
new photographs pertaining to the Dunbar programme to
IAK 1969 Heat 4.
Wednesday 26th July 2023: Thanks to the generosity
of Roger Bancroft, I have been able to add team member, games information
and a cheerleader photo to
IAK 1976 Heat 4 from Cleckheaton. And finally, it has been
possible to produce a PDF of Roger's souvenir programme from the
Cleckheaton event, and this has been added to the Series Guide page linked
to above and also to the
Downloads page.
Tuesday 25th July 2023: I'm pleased to be able to
announce that there's a new series of Grand Prix del Verano
underway in Spain - it premiered to great ratings last night. I am
indebted to David Laich Ruiz who has provided details about the
transmission. This has permitted me to write an introduction page for
Series Guide 2023
and to start the page for
Grand Prix 2023. Also today, David
has written a feature about the series as whole, which has been added to
Thursday 27th April 2023: Marathon running scores
now added to all pre-1974 It's A Knockout pages for heats for which
this information is available.
Monday 24th April 2023: Marathon / Fil Rouge
running scores added to
IAK 1972,
JSF 1972,
IAK 1973
and JSF 1973.
Thanks to Neil for these updates.
Saturday 15th April 2023: Four new scoreboards and
new results added to
IAK Australia 1986.
Friday 14th April 2023: Following on from
yesterday's updates, I've added running scores and team members of
Australia 1985 Round 1 Show 12 (Semi-Final) and Round 2
Show 16. Information gleaned from this heat
- and a general revision in the way to present rounds and heats in this
particular competition - has caused some major reshuffling of the
Database - Australia.
Thursday 13th April 2023: Thanks to David Alain
Laich Ruiz for letting me know that four, previously unavailable episodes
of the Australian It's A Knockout have been added to YouTube (click
here to watch them on Macarthur Shearers team member Terry Gainey's
channel). I've now watched these episodes and as a result,
Australia 1985 has been updated with results, running
scores, team members and referee information. I've also updated the
Database - Australia page to take account of this new
Saturday 18th February 2023: The work on updating
pages to include Jeu Divisée and Fil Rouge tables continues. Check out
NEIGE 1968,
SOG 1969,
IAK 1971
(now includes an additional photo for Heat 1, Colwyn Bay team member David
JSF 1971. Thanks
to Neil Storer for these updates.
Monday 13th February 2023: Back to the early years
of Jeux Sans Frontières to add some additional tables to show the
running scores in Jeu Divisée and Fil Rouge games. Check out
JSF 1968,
JSF 1969
and JSF 1970
to see how this change improves our reporting. Thanks
to Neil Storer for these updates.
Wednesday 8th February 2023:
A Belated Happy
New Year to all visitors and contributors to JSFnetGB!
As is traditional at JSFnetGB, a New Year tidy up, albeit a
much delayed one. As I explained last year, my health has been a concern
of late and JSFnetGB has had to take a back seat. I will drop by to add to
the site when I am able to and apologise for the lack of updates in recent
months. That's not
to say that there's not plenty of reason to visit the site regularly as
there is a wealth of content here to delve into, built up over 20 years!