Brian Clark
Brian was a member of the It's A Knockout production team from 1968 until the early Seventies, during which time he wrote the BBC book, Games from It's A Knockout.

Dave Cochrane
Dave participated in two editions of It's A Cup Final Knockout, representing Liverpool Football Club against Arsenal in 1971 and Newcastle United in 1974.

François Lombard
François is something of a Jeux Sans Frontières legend, having won two International Finals, with French teams Nancy and Bar-le-Duc in 1975 and 1979. As if that were not enough, he was also part of the Bronze Trophy winning Nancy team in 1974!

Ian Rodger
Ian competed in It's A Knockout and Jeux Sans Frontières three times - for three different teams, between 1968 and 1973, culminating in being part of the triumphant Ely team that took the International JSF Trophy in 1973. Here are his recollections.

Keith Williams
Keith was a squad member of the team representing Wolverhampton in 1978. Read his memories of his experiences here.