It's A Knockout Winners' Circle
Year by year, the winners of the It's A Knockout domestic series and related national competitions.

Jeux Sans Frontières Winners' Circle
Year by year, the winners of the Jeux Sans Frontières International Final.

Christmas & Other International Winners' Circle
Year by year, the winners of the Jeux Sans Frontières Christmas and related international competitions.

Intervilles Winners' Circle
Year by year, the winners of the Intervilles finals.

Interneige & Winter JSF Winners' Circle
Year by year, the winners of the Interneige and winter finals.


JSFnetGB Data Bank pages researched by
Neil Storer and Alan Hayes
with Ischa Bijl, Julien Dessy, Sébastien Dias, David Hamilton, Denis Kirsanov, Paul Leaver, Philippe Minet,
Christos Moustakas, David Laich Ruiz, Marko Voštan and JSFnet Websites