Giochi Senza Frontiere...
Buon Compleanno!
Jeux Sans Frontières Birthday Special


Entrants: Africa (AF) • America (AM) • Asia (AS)
Europe (EU) • Italy (I)

Presenters / Commentators:
Flavia Fortunato and Mauro Serio (I)

Special Guests:
Guido Pancaldi
Daniela Scagnetto
Paolo Scagnetto
Rosanna Vaudetti

International Referees:
Denis Pettiaux
Caterina Ruggeri
Carlo Pegoraro (Assistant)

National Referees:
Pierre Pellegrini (CH)
Axel Escalle (F)
Riccardo Giovannella (I)

Production Credits:

Not currently available

Produced by RAI (I)

International Special
= Gold Trophy / = Silver Trophy / = Bronze Trophy Trophy

  ▲ = Promoted to Position / ▼ = Demoted to Position



Giochi Senza Frontiere 1999

JSF Birthday Special

Event Staged: Date Unconfirmed
Venue: Castello Aragonese, Le Castella, Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Italy

European Transmissions (Local Timings):
RAI Uno (I):
Saturday 26th June 1999

Theme: 30 Years of Jeux Sans Frontières

Teams: Africa (AF) v. America (AM) v. Asia (AS) v.
Europe (EU) v. Italy (I)

Team Members included:
Africa (AF) -
Idris and Salvatore Marino (Celebrity Team Leaders);
America (AM) - Melba Ruffo and Viviana Greco (Celebrity Team Leaders);
Asia (AS) -
Takeside Sano and Dong Mei (Celebrity Team Leaders);
Europe (EU) - Ela Weber and Vanessa Incontrada (Celebrity Team Leaders);
Italy (I) - Monica Leofreddi and Stefano Tacconi (Celebrity Team Leaders).

Games (Official Titles): La Torta (The Cake), I Simboli (The Symbols), La Riva del 2000 (The Shore of 2000), Le Scalata (The Climb), Triathlon (Triathlon), I Cerchi (The Rings), Le Reti (The Network), I Panda (The Pandas), La Traversata del Mare (The Sea Crossing);
Fil Rouge: Il Percorso Misto (The Mixed Course).

Game Results and Standings


Team / Colour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FR 8 9
Points Scored
(Joker games shown in red)


1 1 2 8 --- 3 2 4 1 4


3 2 4 --- 6 2 4 1 3 6
AS 2 3 4 3 2 --- 6 3 5 8
EU 5 4 2 2 4 4 --- 2 2 10


4 5 --- 1 1 4 1 5 4 2
Running Totals
(Leading teams shown in red)


1 2 4 12 12 15 17 21 22 26


3 5 9 9 15 17 21 22 25 31
AS 2 5 9 12 14 14 20 23 28 36
EU 5 9 11 13 17 21 21 23 25 35


4 9 9 10 11 15 16 21 25 27




Final Scoreboard


 AS • Asia
 EU • Europe

 AM • America

 I • Italy
 AF • Africa


The Venue

Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Italy

All the programmes in this year’s series were staged on a small promontory adjacent to the isthmus where the Castello Aragonese is located. All of the games were played there or on the strip of water separating them, except for the final game when the isthmus was used as a starting area for the teams to cross to the promontory.

The Games in Detail

Fil Rouge - Il Percorso Misto (The Mixed Course)

The Fil Rouge - 'Il Percorso Misto' (The Mixed Course) - tested the players' skills in three sporting disciplines - golf, basketball and water polo.

Looks Familiar?

Game 4 - 'Le Scalata' (The Climb) - would be used again in JSF 1999 Heat 4, though it was nenamed 'La Scalata del Muro' (The Climbing of the Wall) for that occasion.

Additional Information

This special event, the first of this year and only broadcast in Italy, was dedicated to the celebration of the thirty series life span of Jeux Sans Frontières. It pitched an Italian team against four teams from around the globe, with each team being lead by two celebrity VIPs from the worlds of entertainment and sport. Video clips from old programmes were shown and special guests, including former referee Guido Pancaldi, ex-presenter Rosanna Vaudetti and former competitors, Daniela and Paolo Scagnetto, were called in to help celebrate.

Made in Colour • This programme exists in RAI archives


JSFnetGB Series Guide pages researched by
Neil Storer and Alan Hayes
with Ischa Bijl, Julien Dessy, Sébastien Dias, David Hamilton, Denis Kirsanov, Paul Leaver, Philippe Minet,
Christos Moustakas, David Laich Ruiz, Marko Voštan and JSFnet Websites