Although It's A Knockout as a regular series had departed British television screens in May 1982, the British public had been fed occasional morsels of Knockout in the form of Christmas specials (although one had been aborted) and Knockout Star Gala shows since that time. Audience figures proved that there was still a significant audience for the series and in 1984, the BBC relented and brought it back as a series in a somewhat revamped version which they called Anything Goes (no doubt remembering the version they had licensed to America in 1975 called Almost Anything Goes).

To keep costs down, the entire series would be staged indoors at the Circus Ring beneath the world famous Blackpool Tower in Lancashire. Producer Geoff Wilson put a spin on the choice of venue when talking to Judi Goodwin of Radio Times magazine: "(It's) Knockout without the goose-pimples." The venue had previously been used in 1978 for It's A Miners Knockout and the innovation used then - the dry arena which could be quickly transformed into a shallow pool - was again a major feature of the programme each week.

Teams would be ten-strong and composed of professionals and their families from one area of Britain taking on the same from another. Although in the days of Knockout, teams tended to treat the games as a matter of life and death, Geoff Wilson encouraged a more light-hearted approach to Anything Goes and discouraged it all being taken too seriously. "One of the team members told us he'd trained on fags and cider," he told Radio Times, "and we encourage this attitude."

Despite this ethos, the series still required a referee as the teams would occasionally resort to mildly underhand tactics as their naturally competitive streaks came through and the BBC called on the British former Olympic gymnast, Suzanne Dando, who had competed in the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.

The games action was interspersed with speciality circus acts from around the world and a fourteen-strong song and dance troupe of small girls, the Coco-Tots, who dressed up, sang and danced in true Shirley Temple fashion. It must have pleased some of the audience as the troupe were retained through the full 1984 series.

The themes of each programme followed the professions of the teams, with some games being inspired instead by the circus. One of the challenges for the production team was to convince competitors to dress up: "How do you convince a miner from South Wales that if he appears in public in a sequinned leotard (that) he's not going to lose his macho image?" wondered Geoff Wilson. The solution was surprisingly straightforward: "You see them sneak out into the ring at rehearsal looking embarrassed. Then once they get down to the task at hand, their inhibitions disappear and you can tell they're loving every minute."

The series host was Keith Chegwin, who would go on in 1999 to inherit the mantle from Stuart Hall of It's A Knockout for real, but here ably demonstrated his suitability for the role. Then most famous for his regular appearances on Saturday morning show The Multi-Coloured Swap Shop and his own music vehicle, Cheggers Plays Pop, he abandoned his normal t-shirt and jeans look and instead donned top hat and tails.

Summing up for Radio Times, Geoff Wilson commented that Anything Goes was not intended as mind-elevating stuff to please the intelligentsia - it was simply a bit of harmless fun to relax in front of after a hard day. He was sure a certain proportion of the audience would see it as a guilty pleasure and never admit to actually watching it: "When I worked on Knockout," he said, "people used to sidle up to me and say, 'I don't usually watch your programme but I did happen to catch it last week.' Then they'd start a discussion and relate the details of every game in the series and you realised they were hooked and never missed it!"

1984 ended with the last of the original series Christmas specials and, like Anything Goes, this was also staged at The Blackpool Tower, but in the Ice Drome instead of the Tower Circus. This programme was notable for the brief return to Jeux Sans Frontières competition by a West German team after their departure from the series in 1980. This proved to be the final appearance by a team from that country in the series.

JSFnetGB Series Guide pages researched by
Neil Storer and Alan Hayes
with Ischa Bijl, Julien Dessy, Sébastien Dias, David Hamilton, Denis Kirsanov, Paul Leaver, Philippe Minet,
Christos Moustakas, David Laich Ruiz, Marko Voštan and JSFnet Websites