The information presented below is a guide to the format of the games played in 1997 in Jeux Sans Frontières and how points were awarded in each event. Eight teams contest Jeux Sans Frontières this year.


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

No. of Games per Event:
10 (No Fil Rouge)

No. of Competing Teams per Event: 8
Teams participated in all games

Games 1-9:
8pts, 7pts, 6pts, 5pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Game 10:
16pts, 14pts, 12pts, 10pts,
8pts, 6pts, 4pts, 2pts

Joker & Election Game: Scoring Limits:

HEATS 1-9:

Joker Value: Double points

To be played:
Once in Games 1-4 or 6-9.

No Election Game in these events.

Highest Achievable Score: 96pts

Lowest Achievable Score: 12pts


Joker Value: Double points

To be played:
Once in Games 1-9.

No Election Game in this event.

Team Colours for Jeux Sans Frontières 1997:

France: Light Blue
Dark Blue
Hungary: Yellow
Italy: White

Netherlands: Orange
Slovenia: Magenta
Switzerland: Red

JSFnetGB Data Bank pages researched by
Neil Storer and Alan Hayes
with Ischa Bijl, Julien Dessy, Sébastien Dias, David Hamilton, Denis Kirsanov, Paul Leaver, Philippe Minet,
Christos Moustakas, David Laich Ruiz, Marko Voštan and JSFnet Websites