The information presented below is a guide to the format of the games played in 1979 in Interneige, It's A Knockout, Spiel Ohne Grenzen, Jeux Sans Frontières and It's A Christmas Knockout and how points were awarded in each. A few oddities this year - in the Winter series, Jokers could only be played in the final, and one It's A Knockout heat had an extra game compared to the others in the series. These considerations have meant that the information presented below may look a little confusing. Also, for the first time in the history of Jeux Sans Frontières, the scoring on the Joker changes, the 'double points' idea being discarded in favour of extra points for finishing, 1st, 2nd or 3rd on a Joker game... and nothing if the team finish below that! This new rule is carried over into It's A Championship Knockout.


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

No. of Games per Event:
6 + Parallel Slalom

No. of Competing Teams per Event: 3
Teams participated in all games

All Games + Parallel Slalom:
3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Joker: Scoring Limits:

No Joker in these events.

Parallel Slalom:
The winner of each slalom is awarded double points on the next game.

Highest Achievable Score: 36pts
Lowest Achievable Score: 6pts

Team Colours for Winter Jeux Sans Frontières (Interneige) 1979:

France: Green
Italy: Blue

Switzerland: Light Yellow Orange

Due to the nature of the conditions in these heats, many of the competitors from the countries wore similar clothing, and in some of the heats the colours of the costumes worn were in total contrast to their normal colours. The colours shown above are those of the dossards worn by the competitors to denote their respective countries, and are shown here as such to avoid any confusion.


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

HEATS 1-6:

No. of Games per Event:
9 + Marathon

Games 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 9:
3 pts, 2 pts, 1 pt
Games 2, 7 & 8:
3 pts, 2 pts

Games 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9:

3 pts, 2 pts, 1 pt
Games 2, 3 & 7:
3 pts, 2 pts

Games 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 & 9:

3 pts, 2 pts, 1 pt
Games 4, 5 & 8:
3 pts, 2 pts

HEATS 4-5:
Games 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 & 9:
3 pts, 2 pts, 1 pt
Games 2, 6 & 7:
3 pts, 2 pts

Games 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 9:
3 pts, 2 pts, 1 pt
Games 3, 5 & 8:
3 pts, 2 pts

No. of Games per Event:
10 + Marathon

Games 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 & 10:
3 pts, 2 pts, 1 pt
Games 2, 6 & 8:
3 pts, 2 pts

No. of Competing Teams per Event: 3
Teams missed 1 game each

Heat 1: (Game 2, 7 or 8)

Heat 2: (Game 2, 3 or 7)

Heat 3: (Game 4, 5 or 8)

Heats 4 & 5: (Game 2, 6 or 7)

Heat 6: (Game 3, 5 or 8)

Heat 7: (Game 2, 6 or 8)

Marathon (All Heats):
6 pts, 4 pts, 2 pts

Joker: Scoring Limits:

HEATS 1-6:
Value: Double points

To be played:
Once in Games 1-8

HEATS 1-6:

Highest Achievable Score: 33pts
Lowest Achievable Score: 13pts

Value: Double points

To be played:
Once in Games 1-9


Highest Achievable Score: 36pts
Lowest Achievable Score: 14pts

Team Colours for It's A Knockout 1979:

Teams participated in either Red, Blue, Green, Orange, White or Yellow


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

No. of Games:
7 + Marathon

No. of Competing Teams: 2
Teams participated in all games

Games 1-7 and Marathon:
2pts (Win), 1pt (Draw), 1pt (Lose)

Joker: Scoring Limits:

Value: Double points

To be played:
Once in Games 1-6

Highest Achievable Score: 18pts

Lowest Achievable Score: 9pts

Team Colours for It's A Celebrity Knockout 1979:

Teams did not participate in any specific colours


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

No. of Games:
8 + Marathon

No. of Competing Teams: 8
2 teams missed 1 game together
(Games 1, 3, 5 and 7)

Games 1, 3, 5 and 7:
6pts, 5pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Games 2, 4, 6 and 8 and Marathon:
8pts, 7pts, 6pts, 5pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Joker: Scoring Limits:

6pts extra with 1st Place
4pts extra with 2nd Place
2pts extra with 3rd Place
0pt extra with 4th Place or lower

To be played:
Once in Games 1-7

Highest Achievable Score: 70pts

Lowest Achievable Score: 7pts

Team Colours for It's A Championship Knockout 1979:

Arun: Sky Blue
Bury: Red
Douglas: Green
Dudley: Orange

Henley-on-Thames: Black
Kingston-upon-Thames: Dark Blue
North Walsham: Pale Blue
St. Albans: Yellow


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

No. of Games per Event:
8 + Zwischenspiel

No. of Competing Teams per Event: 5

Teams missed 1 game each
(Games 2, 3, 4, 6 or 7)

Games 1, 5, 8 and Zwischenspiel:
5pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Games 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7:
4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Joker: Scoring Limits:

Value: Double Points

To be played:
Once in Games
2, 3, 4, 6 or 7

Highest Achievable Score: 40pts

Lowest Achievable Score: 9pts

Team Colours for Spiel Ohne Grenzen 1979:

Teams participated in one of the following colours:
Dark Blue, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Red, White or Yellow


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

No. of Games per Event:
8 + Fil Rouge

No. of Competing Teams per Event: 8
2 teams missed 1 game together
(Games 1, 3, 5 and 7)

Games 1, 3, 5 and 7:
6pts, 5pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Games 2, 4, 6 and 8 and Fil Rouge:
8pts, 7pts, 6pts, 5pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Joker: Scoring Limits:

6pts extra with 1st Place
4pts extra with 2nd Place
2pts extra with 3rd Place
0pt extra with 4th Place or lower

To be played:
Once in Games 1-7

Highest Achievable Score: 70pts

Lowest Achievable Score: 7pts

Team Colours for Jeux Sans Frontières 1979:

Belgium: Yellow
France: Green
Great Britain: Red
Italy: Dark Blue

Portugal: Orange
Red and White
West Germany: Light Blue
Yugoslavia: Blue and White


Game Details:

Points Allocation:

No. of Games:
7 (No Fil Rouge)

No. of Competing Teams: 5
Teams participated in all games

Games 1-7:
5pts, 4pts, 3pts, 2pts, 1pt

Joker: Scoring Limits:

No Joker in this event

Highest Achievable Score: 35pts

Lowest Achievable Score: 7pts

Team Colours for It's A Christmas Knockout 1979:

Belgium: Yellow
Great Britain: Red
Italy: Dark Blue

Netherlands: Orange
Switzerland: White

JSFnetGB Data Bank pages researched by
Neil Storer and Alan Hayes
with Ischa Bijl, Julien Dessy, Sébastien Dias, David Hamilton, Denis Kirsanov, Paul Leaver, Philippe Minet,
Christos Moustakas, David Laich Ruiz, Marko Voštan and JSFnet Websites